today I walked to campus to view an exhibition by the university's photography club. then I wandered around campus and took a few pictures (perhaps I was inspired by the exhibition), then I walked downtown and bought tea and moisturizer at the health food store, then I came back to the apartment, showered, ate dinner, and watched shitty Irish television with one of my flatmates. shitty Irish television is wittier than shitty American television (at least the shows that we watched). we also caught part of "America's Got Talent", which pissed me off to no end-- it was basically the judges making fun of contestants for their weight/general appearance.
they're still PEOPLE, asshole-- it doesn't matter what they look like; you owe them respect as a human being.

#1 car parked by one of the academic buildings, which is covered in... whatever you'd call this stuff

#2 close- up on the "whatever you'd call this stuff". the thick branch looks to me like a person climbing the wall

#3 sculpture near the equivalent of the "student center"

#4 quasi- artistic- turned- inexplicably- fuzzy photo of the canal running through campus (or, more specifically, of a beer can stuck into the moss- covered stone wall of the canal running through campus. and a leaf)

#5 another attempt at conveying the sheer amount of water. for reference-- that metal bar running across the bottom wall is a handrail. to a walkway. that is entirely submerged in water.
honestly, I'm not sure whose bright idea it was to put the walkway there-- the water has never been below where people are ostensibly supposed to put their feet
Laura! This is cool, thanks for sharing the link to this blog. I don't think there's anything self-absorbed (or however you put it) about this writing; I really enjoy reading it, in fact I hope you write in here every day. It sounds like your life is very cool. I'm reading and imagining your voice saying the words and it makes me miss you but it also makes me very happy. Please keep it up.
Love you!
thanks girl :)
I love you, too!
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