today a couple of us walked to the neighboring town of Salthill. ostensibly, we embarked on this journey in order to kick the wall beside the ocean (it's meant to bring the kicker 'good luck' or some such positivity)... but when we got there, we were so distracted by how nice the day was that it wasn't until after I got home that I realized we'd forgotten to kick the wall. I'm not that worked up about it.

#1 the water. I waded in it. the water is so much clearer than at any of the beaches I've been to at home-- I could see my feet! even when I was standing in water up to my knees! the water wasn't that cold, either. in fact, it pretty much defined the word "refreshing", to stand there with my feet in the ocean

#2 there were so many people there. a lot of the 'young folks' gathered on whatever this yellow structure is in order to take turns diving off. something that I've grown to appreciate about the Irish people in general is the way they really take advantage of nice weather. I think this has largely to do with the fact that nice weather can't be taken for granted-- the prevailing mentality seems to be that 'you never know when you'll see it again, here, so you take advantage of it when it comes'. and they do-- when it's sunny and warm, the outdoors is suddenly filled to bursting

#3 on the walk back. people flying kites! (that palm tree near the bottom center is the same one that was in the photo with the giant pile of trash)

#4 ok, seriously: how cool is this? this is the bakery that I photographed way back in the beginning of my trip-- the one with the huuuge meringues. only now, instead of meringues, their window display consists of
alligators! made out of pastry! I am so freakin' impressed

#5 me with my homies: Oscar and Edmund Wilde
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