today I climbed a huge mountain. I am tired.

#1 the biggest peak-- that's the one we climbed.

#3 DO NOT READ THIS ONE YET. THIS IS PICTURE #3. SCROLL DOWN FOR #2, and then scroll back up here (I uploaded in the wrong order). the trek was divided into two segments: first we climbed to top of the shorter peak (see #1), then we climbed to the top of the big one. this is the view of part of the second chunk of the trip. I couldn't find an angle that allowed me to capture how steep and rocky and treacherous and big this was

#4 another attempt to capture the steepness. didn't really work. and the other thing that you can't tell from these photos is that the 'path' is comprised of loose rocks of varying sizes-- definitely a 'two steps forward, one-- or six-- steps back' situation

#5 at the top. St. Patrick's cathedral. apparently St. Patrick climbed up here, fasted for 40 days, and then expelled the serpents from Ireland. the stones to build the cathedral were carried up by donkeys. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as animal abuse. I'm also pretty sure that you couldn't have paid me to carry anything other than my water bottle and lunch up there

#2 at the very beginning. the land seemed so serene and gentle. it belied what was to come.
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