today a group of us walked an hour to the grounds of a hospital, on which rests an old castle that is in no way protected or access- restricted. we simply walked right in the front door, poked around, and walked out. then I ate a PB & J on a big rock in the sun. Ireland is a different place when the sun is shining
ALSO- on the way to the castle, I had my SECOND celebrity citing in a week!! (the first one went a little something like this [cross-posted]:
a couple days ago I stopped by a "fruit & veg" stand to buy some... fruits and veg (whaddaya know). there was a dude paying in front of me, so I waited until he had paid and walked away from the register, and then I stepped up to pay for my goods.
and THEN the cashier was like, "do you know the band snow patrol?"
and I was like, "yes!"
and he was like, "that was the lead singer." [and his friend/bandmate was hanging around too, waiting for him to pay]
and I was like, "no way! I didn't look at his face. are they playing around here?"
and he was like, "I don't think they're on tour at all right now, and they wouldn't be playing in Galway. I guess they just needed some fruits and vegetables."
as you do.
today's celebrity sighting was perhaps even cooler: we're walkin' along, on our way to raid the castle...
and I see...
the lead singer of the Frames! who was also in the movie "Once", which I very much enjoyed. and his co- star in that movie, and a singer herself: Markita Ingsomethingorother! just walkin' out of a building, shaking hands with some dude. I saw them, recognized them right away-- and they saw me recognize them, but I don't believe in running up to celebrities and gushing, so I just shot 'em a big smile and kept on walkin'.
what are the odds. I'm like a magnet or something.

#1 the castle

#2 came out way darker than I'd hoped-- was trying to show how cool the ceiling is. I can't quite wrap my mind around how big 'ol stones can be suspended in the air, if you just lay them against each other right

#3 we climbed the spiral staircase up to the top remaining floor. then I took a picture. I love moss growing on old stones-- you can see it faintly, along the top edges of the walls

#4 perhaps the highlight of the trip (at least for me)-- on the way back, we came across
Bathroom World! we
strained to fathom its truly awe-someness