on Tuesday, I decided to take a walk along the river. I've been on this path before, but have never followed it to its end. so that was my plan: to walk to the end of the path that runs alongside the river.

#1 I'm pretty sure that this was Yeats' Norman Keep. it's pretty and covered in ivy. note the swans in the river-- these guys are always around.

#2 it was
so warm! I took a picture of the fact that I was wearing short sleeves. (please note the muscle in that bicep. that's right-- and I wasn't even flexing)

#3 I realize that this picture is sideways. but I don't feel like going back in and changing it right now. so just imagine it flipped rightside up. at any rate, this is what I came to at the end of the path: a fence. it was that or curving to the left so as to swing back the way I'd come. so I climbed the fence.
I found myself in someone's fields. being careful not to tread on the daffodils growing there, I walked the length of the field, then walked back.

#4 when I got back to the fence, I noticed this awesome root system. totally worth the fear of being shot by an angry farmer (though I think that's a fairly 'American' concern-- in general, people don't shoot each other quite so impulsively here.)
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