well, today was awesome. took a day trip to the Cliffs of Moher, and the weather could not have been more perfect. it was absolutely stunning-- both the landscapes during the drive and the cliffs themselves.
also, fun trivia! the Cliffs of Moher are the "Cliffs of Insanity" featured in The Princess Bride. I ask you: how cool is that?

#1 thatched cottages on the drive to the Cliffs. apparently, each thatcher has a trademark finish-- the pattern at the very top of each roof is unique to the person who did the thatching

#2 we stopped at the Dolmen. apparently, there are around 30 bodies under here. in "the olden days", when people died their bodies would be placed on this slab. once the flesh had been picked from their bones by birds and wild animals, the (still living) people would tip the slab and dump the bones into a pit beneath the structure

#3 (some of) the cliffs. they stand about 700 feet above the water. it is
so windy up there-- as in, people have literally been blown off into the ocean. we had to shuffle a bit, because if you picked your leg up very far the wind would grab it and try to throw you off balance

#4 (almost positive that these are) THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!! I am now even more impressed by Fesig's strength

#5 more cliffs. the man on the right is my new friend Niel, who, immediately after I took this picture, pitched a huge clod of dirt over the edge. the wind grabbed it within seconds, and blew it back against the rocks
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